Wednesday, July 7, 2010

“Y vos quien sos?” a.k.a “Introduction”

As an English Literature student studying abroad in Edinburgh, currently on a gap-year, one day not too long ago my Dad sat me down for a serious heart-to-heart and told me: "Son, you need to get off your ass and do something".
But I am not only an English-Lit student; I am also an out-and-proud 'Porteño'. This does not mean my favorite drink is 'Fernet con coca', in fact I'd much rather have a gin tonic, and I am not that bothered about 'asados', ordering a pizza while watching a DVD is more my idea of dinner, but it does mean that whenever I land back in Ezeiza Airport and I grab a cab and head home, going down the '9 de Julio' and passing by the 'Obelisco', I can breathe in the 'nice airs' of Buenos Aires and say to myself "I'm home".
I've lived here my whole life, all twenty-one years of them, and throughout this blog I am going to try and show you an insider's view of my city, answering questions like "what's the deal with all the jugglers and window-cleaners harassing my car whenever I stop at a red light?" or "what the hell is a cubierto and why am I being charged for it?", as well as share some personal tips on where to go clubbing and dining ('Asia de Cuba' on a Wednesday night, I am looking at you!).
So whether you're new in town and wondering if there are any places open at 5am to go hunting for cigarettes, if you've been here for a while and know how to 'menear' to Cumbia songs, or if you have just happened to stumble randomly on this web-site after trolling the internet for hours, 'bienvenidos', or, in the sweet slang of my city, 'todo bien, loco?'.
This goes out to all my 'boludos' and 'boludas'
El Pendejo Porteño

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